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Executive Committee
2019-21 ​执行委员会​

President 主席
Hilda Cheng 郑丽玉

Vice President 副主席
Melvin Loy 黎炳

Hon-Secretary 义务文书
Pauline Ang 洪慧容

Hon-Treasurer 义务财政
Tan Hui Ching 陈慧真

Ordinary Member 普通职员
Gloria Ing 吴雅芬



异象与使命: “履行大使命,藉着圣乐,拯救灵魂,扩展神的国度”


Vision and Mission: carry out the Great Commission through church music, for the saving of souls and furtherance of the kingdom of God

ICCCS objectives:
1) To raise the standard of  church music
2) To promote various church music activities in the region
3) To develop young church music talents
4) To publish new Christian choral compositions
5) To evangelize through music outreach

ICCCS 国际基督教合唱指挥团


异象与使命“履行大使命,借着圣乐,拯救灵魂,扩展神的国度”;并秉承宗旨: 1) 提高众教会的圣乐水准  2) 推动各地圣乐活动  3)培养年轻圣乐人才  4) 出版圣乐新作品  5) 发展圣乐宣教事工


“ICCCS Channel” YouTube频道陆续发布,欢迎全球公众登记订阅
4)自2008年开拓少年圣乐事工, 并设立“少年圣乐事工发展基金”提供优质的导师与资源

马来西亚: 亚庇,斗湖,山打根,美里,民都鲁,诗巫,古晋,槟城,吉隆坡,马六甲,新山,哥打丁宜,
印尼: 雅加达,万隆,泗水,玛琅,三宝珑,绵兰,
中国: 香港,深圳,厦门,温州,青岛,
台湾: 台北,台中,台南,高雄,
泰国: 曼谷,
澳大利亚: 悉尼


Since 1997, Rev Lee Chong Min has begun the ministry of conducting training and it was overwhelming in the region. With God’s blessings and guidance, International Christian Choral Conductor Society (ICCCS) was established on 30 Nov 2002 in Singapore with the Vision and Mission of “carry out the Great Commission through church music, for the saving of souls and furtherance of the kingdom of God”.

Our Objectives are: 1) To raise the standard of church music; 2) To promote various church music activities in the region; 3) To develop young church music talents; 4) To publish new Christian choral compositions; 5) To evangelize through music outreach.

ICCCS Ministries are:
1. Due to COVID-19 “lockdown” in the region currently in year 2020, all of our in-person training events were canceled or postponed. Media Production and Online Training Program are on the plan and undergoing, and posted regularly at YouTube “ICCCS Channel” for public to subscribe around the globe
2. Organizing International Church Music Education programs annually
3. Regular training events, co-organizing with local associates
4. Since 2008, developed Youth Church Music Ministry, and established Youth Ministry Development Fund for providing quality training resources
5. Formed International Christian Festival Singers (ICFS) in Oct 2007 to have annual intensive training and Concert Tour
6. Publishing yearly and promoting quality bilingual (English and Mandarin) choral collections “DOXA” & “NEW SONG” and new Christian choral works
7. Publication of the quarterly magazine “Christian Choral Bulletin” since 2004 for free subscription
8. Established “Church Music Education Fund” to provide financial support to coworkers serving fervently in church music ministries

Regions Served (2002-2019) 
Malaysia: Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Sandakan, Miri, Sibu, Bintulu, Kuching, Penang, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Johor & Kota Tinggi
Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, Surabaya, Semarang & Medan
China: Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Wenzhou & Qingdao
Taiwan: Taipei, Taichung, Tainan & Kaohsiung
Thailand: Bangkok
Australia: Sydney

We will continue to persevere in our vision and mission. Your support and partnership will spur us on to have more faith and courage as we work together for the Lord. Through music, may our churches undergo a revival, so that the lost are saved, the faithful are edified, and the Lord’s name is glorified. Amen!

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